Thursday, July 9, 2015

How I Met Your Mother Review- "Landmarks"/"Challenge Accepted"

Landmarks (6x23)

Directed by Pam Fryman
Written by Carter Bays & Craig Thomas

One Paragraph Synopsis: It's finally time for a preservation council to decide on whether or not the Arcadian should be considered a landmark, with Ted's testimony being the final, most important one. To Zoey's dismay, and through the power of flashbacks over the past few days, Ted ultimately decides that no, it shouldn't be. This would have been enough to seal its fate, but Zoey finds a trump card that allows the council to delay their announcement to further hash it out. When the likelihood of the Arcadian staying remains high, the gang find a way to help save Ted's wishes, and allow for it to be abolished. Just as his relationship with Zoey is abolished at the end of the episode.

Challenge Accepted (6x24)

Directed by Pam Fryman
Written by Carter Bays & Craig Thomas

One Paragraph Synopsis: We cut all the way to September, when Ted and Barney are fighting about their chances at pressing the button to destroy the Arcadian. This is hardly Ted's biggest issue to face, however, as he's responsible for what kind of lightbulbs will be used for the new GNB headquarters, just when he meets up with Zoey, who wants to get back together. Although he initially turns her down, Robin and Barney discover that he changes his mind and takes her offer of getting coffee up. They catch him just in time to stop him, where Barney sees Nora again and asks her for coffee himself. Meanwhile, after Lily thinks that she receives food poisoning from their favorite soup, she and Marshall are afraid that he's going to feel the same way during his big interview. He even self-sabotages it out of fear, only to discover that Lily doesn't have food poisoning at all- she's pregnant.

So that's how it ends. Huh.

Well, it was told not too long ago that Ted and Zoey wouldn't last, so this isn't too surprising. And as far as resolutions go, this is okay. The Arcadian was going to be what broke the two up, and it's good to see Ted find a way to stick to his inhibitions as they finally call things off.

But at the same time, I don't care too much, since their relationship never felt that strong or real to begin with. Zoey's been a bit of a drag for her time on the show, despite some funny moments. On top of that, while Radnor and Jennifer Morrison's chemistry is decent, the two just don't click as a couple, mostly since we're never given a reason to believe that they work together. Even when Zoey comes back in the later episode, wanting to get back together.

I find it hard to write about Zoey since she doesn't get a lot of material to make her a big enough presence. She's hardly a background character, but there isn't too much to her beyond an unnecessary conflict. As such, she's my major problem with the sixth season.

A shame, since this is otherwise a great one, with growth being the main point. Consider Barney and Robin's subplot, for instance. Here, they have the best chance since their split to reconsider it, determining if it was for the best or not. Both are still afraid to bring it up on the surface, but their pondering is palpable when they discuss Ted's place with Zoey.

Their growth is also present when Nora returns, causing Barney to jump at the chance to initiate a second chance with her. While Barney initially felt shame in his previous date with her, he's finally willing to grow up a little and listen to reason with her. Just as Robin is showing restraint by allowing Barney to pursue his feelings towards Nora without letting her emotions get in the way. Whatever she's feeling, Robin sees the need to let go of such for his best.

Does this mean that Nora is going to be the bride at Barney's wedding? No clue, man. But it's nice to see how George Harrison is used as a bookend from the premiere and finale. It's a nice, soothing way to keep hope alive.

Marshall still doesn't have a job at an environmental firm, but at least we were offered good material from Dave Foley. That isn't their most important part of the episode though. Lily's announcement is, which is a long time coming, and indicative of their current place. Lily and Marshall are in love as much as ever, and right now deserve a boost together, which their first-born should be for them.

Even Ted shows growth by agreeing with Robin and Barney. Zoey was not right for her, and if you watch the bonus feature on the disc this episode is on of the set, he'll say so right away. Maybe now he'll finally find the one.

But he won't any time soon. I feel like I've been losing my enthusiasm for writing, but the show is about as good as ever. The Zoey material is the only thing really holding this season back, as it's one of the best. Without it, I might be able to call it the very best, but I think my final score will be an A-, which is definitely something to write home about, especially this late in its run. Now let's see if the next season can live up to that. As I recall, it follows almost directly from this season.

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