Sunday, June 28, 2015

How I Met Your Mother Review- "Oh Honey"

Oh Honey (6x15)

Directed by Pam Fryman
Written by Carter Bays & Craig Thomas

One Paragraph Synopsis: Zoey unwittingly hooks Ted up on a date with her hot cousin, remembered to the gang as Honey (Katy Perry). As hot and unwitting as she is, Ted isn't really interest, though. He wants Zoey. The thing is, she wants him too, and she has been divorcing the Captain in secret. Marshall, still in Minnesota, discovers all of this while talking to the other members of the gang, and helps them fill in the pieces themselves.

Well, it happened.

I've had my reservations about Ted and Zoey dating, but each time I watch this episode, I come out fairly happy. For one, it's built up well here. I'll get into the episode's framing device later, but it's especially nice to see how both of their sides are represented, even without going to either character's point of view. Yet by the end, it's easy to feel that both Ted and Zoey have their genuine reasons for liking each other, and that it's time for them to embrace it.

And the show also does well by bringing up their main obstacle, beyond even Zoey's marriage- their stance on the Arcadian. Or at least, they acknowledge it by bringing up how both of them are still dead set in their goals, but nothing can possibly change their current attraction to each other. This plot isn't too much of a focus in the episode, but is still present when Ted mentions his progress, and when Zoey is shown at a protest when Barney heads to work. It's a smart way to remind us of their conflict without forcing it down our throat.

They still need to figure things out if this is going to work. Because while the episode makes me feel happy, I'm still skeptical. Their relationship can work for now, but how long will it take for their opposing points to come back into fruition? Ted still has work to do on the Arcadian, and Zoey still hasn't bended her position. Maybe this time together will help them find a compromise.

Thankfully, this all works thanks to the episode's call waiting framing device. We don't leave the Eriksen household as he's told the whole story through phone, and everybody gives him a unique twist on the story. Including Zoey and Ted, who listen as Marshall helps fill the episode out at the end.

Robin tells what seems to be the fullest truth, as she doesn't have much of a horse in this race. She has no real attraction to Ted anymore, and just wants him happy, which Zoey just might do. Although she does lie to Zoey about Marshall hating her, but that's okay. Ted's a son of a bitch.

Which Lily understands, as she doesn't get too much to do herself besides nailing the best line of the episode. Which she shares with Marshall, but I digress.

And Barney continues to live the lie, since it's far more interesting than the truth. So he says, but it's fun to hear his fabrication. It's cute to see that he even feels the need to lie to such great lengths to Marshall, who doesn't care about his conquests at all, but it is Barney, after all. And we the audience do get to see him break down to Honey, which is another great moment.

Honey helps fill in the rest to Marshall, which is another fun moment for her. I'm not much of a fan of Katy Perry's music, but she has decent acting chops here, playing the naive character pretty well. It isn't exactly a dignified role, but it is a sitcom, after all, and the character works well for laughs. Even if some of her stupidity seems exaggerated, but this is still coming from Ted, after all.

The moments in Minnesota help to keep us in real time, even if they aren't the most exciting aspect. But seeing Judy is always a treat, and this is the most that we've seen of one of Marshall's brothers in a while. Together, they fill in the pieces for a fun, promising episode. Even if we don't see how the show will live up to its promise. Or if.

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