Sunday, June 21, 2015

How I Met Your Mother Review- "Blitzgiving"

Blitzgiving (6x10)

Directed by Pam Fryman
Written by Theresa Mulligan Rosenthal

One Paragraph Synopsis: The Blitz is a Wesleyan tradition, a fellow who leaves an event early and misses on something amazing, and is doomed to repeat this until someone else bails while they stay. For years, Ted and Marshall's friend Steve (Jorge Garcia) occupied the position of the Blitz, but when Ted leaves the bar early the night before Thanksgiving, he takes on the role. One thing he missed was seeing Zoey, who joined the gang, Steve included, and became their new bff, even offering them, Ted included, to have Thanksgiving with her while the Captain sees his daughter the next day. After discovering that the gang crashed his oven as a result of their partying, Ted ends up taking her offer, as they go to Zoey's for Thanksgiving. Things almost don't go well, but finding out Zoey's relationship with her daughter-in-law, he tries to reconcile.


This is a pretty simple episode, but a lot of fun to watch. But I stepped out for a minute, and apparently a string of cats came and deleted my review. But it's enjoyable, even for someone who could never get into Lost and only understand Garcia's references on a casual level. To be fair, he is game, and this helps to humanize Zoey a little more, who hasn't overstayed her welcome quite yet.

Hopefully by my next review, I won't be the blitz. Aww man.

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